We plan to keep enjoying a cold brew for years to come, which means supporting our planet and industry to sustainably keep operating for generations to come. Brewing is about as resource heavy as it gets, so there’s no shortage of opportunities for us to focus on minimising waste across our brewery and bar.
Our early days hobby brewing in Jason’s shed established some of core principles regarding sustainability. Sustainable practice comes with a price tag that small businesses can struggle to carry, but at Big Shed we’ve always refused to be rendered immobile by the scale of the probelm. We’re just do-ers, and have always been determined to see the opportunity in every issue. Instead of growing disheartened, we find ourselves repeating the same phrase that kick-started our pro-active approach over 10 years ago. ‘Let’s just do what we can do’.
As it turns out, the less awe-struck we are by the scale of the problem, the more we can actually do to make small environmental changes.
Ever since our very first days in the old farmers shed we’ve just done what we can. The scale of our projects has grown with our business, but we started small. We collect rainwater from our roof in order to wash down the brewery floor and minimise waste, we redirect heat generated from our glycol units into the front of house to minimise energy consumption, and redirect the same heat outside in summer to minimse air conditioning requirements. As we’ve grown we’ve been able to invest in larger scale sustainable change, such as the recent installation of our 200kW solar system at Royal Park. It’s been incredible to grow and have more resources to make change, and even though we’re still very young we see a near future where we settle into our size and have more profits to re-distribute into environmental causes.